This is the story of a girl.

She had eyes flecked with blue, green and gold and in infallible smile. She had a gravitational pull that to this day I’ve never seen in anyone else. She was a human magnet whose personality and love for her friends were stronger than a kryptonite lock. She wasn’t all perfect though, she had a temper that could start a fire… Read more →

That’s all they really want…

You know those girls? You know what they really want? They just want to have some fun….

Oh my lordy, ladies! I’ve found my latest crush. I am absolutely, 110% enamored with this man and his mystical voice from the heavens. Sorry Dave but there is just something about a man whom has the blessed vocal chords of an angel that I just can not resist. Meet my newest man-crush, Chase Holfelder and absorb his majestic sound through your earholes. But beware, once you’ve indulged in this lyrical miracle you’ll be hooked. Hope you’ve got at least ¢.99 to spare because I guarantee you’ll be on iTunes downloading this brilliant rendition of “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” before the song is even over.


You’re Welcome.

Want to hear more? Check out his YouTube channel here: Chase Holfelder on YouTube

Santa’s Little Helper

  I’ve always thought Christmas cards to be a bit on the tacky side, especially for those friends, you know the ones, that aren’t so officially official. Actually no, that’s all a lie. Christmas cards are just tacky period. Every one of those perfectly poised and painfully coordinated family photos just make me shudder from the inside out. But who… Read more →